Seem to have successfully fixed the behavior when getting over parameterized models. See diffs against the git log for details.
Will work on acceleration of code (avoiding refitting), meanwhile a little more trouble shooting and queuing some long runs.
ace function fails on certain data sets for unknown reasons. Think rewriting this from scratch will be an important step.
Mixture Models in Bayesian context
- Josh sent me this paper regarding our discussion on model choice in Bayesian context last Friday.
- Settled on workstation, completed final pricing adjustments. Now seeking approval from Krell / CSGF.
Misc / Reading
McElreath’s Class
- Looks like a fantastic class on model choice, should sit in. Read through the slides for weeks 1 & 2 so far. Every practicing ecologist should read the week 2 presentation.
In Science today
Computational Social Science Exciting stuff, interesting what these approaches can tell us about the way we do science.
Empowering Young Scientists an international NAS for young scientists. Interesting motivation but why exclusive membership? How about ways as a better model.
- Excellent science-2.0 / future of science post. Forwarded to openscience discussion group. favorite quote:
“If shoestores operated like scientists trading ideas, first Alice and Bob would need to get to know one another, maybe go for a few beers in a nearby bar. Only then would Alice finally say “you know, I’m looking for some shoes”. After a pause, and a few more beers, Bob would say “You know what, I just happen to have some shoes I’m looking to sell”. Every working scientist recognizes this dance; I know scientists who worry less about selling their house than they do about exchanging scientific information.”