
Carl Boettiger
Associate Professor

Diego Ellis Soto
President's Postdoctoral Fellow

Cassie Buhler
ESIIL Postdoctoral Fellow

Daniela Rodriguez-Chavez
Graduate Student

Abby Keller
Graduate Student

Your Name Here?
Open Position

Felipe Montealegre-Mora
Postdoc Alum
DSE Postdoctoral Researcher

Marcus Lapeyrolerie
Graduate Student Alum

Millie Chapman
Graduate Student Alum
Incoming Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich

Kari Norman
Graduate Student Alum
Scientist, US Forest Service

Serge Wiltshire
Postdoc Alum
Computational Ecologist, The Nature Conservancy

Milad Memarzadeh
Postdoc Alum
AI Technical Lead, NASA Ames

Allie Barner
Postdoc Alum
Assistant Professor, Colby College

Dan Sholler
rOpenSci Postdoc Alum
Interested in Joining?
I'm always interested in talking with perspective undergraduate, graduate, or post-doctoral researchers. Please contact me with a brief email explaining your background and interests if you are interested in joining the group.
Undergraduates interested in independent work may wish to participate through UC Berkeley's SPUR or URAP programs, or through a senior thesis project.
Perspective graduate students in quantitative and computational ecology and environmental sciences should apply through the ESPM Department Graduate Admissions before Dec 1st. You may also wish to consider applying for an NSF pre-doctoral fellowship, the computational sciences graduate fellowship, NDSEG fellowship or EPA Star fellowship.
Perspective post-doctoral scholars should consider applying for the Miller fellowship, the NSF's Biology post-doctoral fellowships, McDonnell Foundation's complex systems post-doctoral fellowship or the Smith Fellows in conservation research.