Testing this out using MDPtoolbox
, but not working yet…
f <- function(x, h, p){
x <- x - h
p[[1]] * x / {1 + p[[2]] * x}
p <- c(a = 6, b = 0.05)
profit <- function(x, h) pmin(x,h) - 0.1 * h # vectorized for x
x_grid <- seq(0, 150, length = 151)
h_grid <- c(0,50,100)
delta <- 0.001
sigma_g <- 0.01
z_g <- function() 1 + rlnorm(1, 0, sigma_g)
pdfn <- function(P, s) dlnorm(P, 0, s)
M <- pdgControl::determine_SDP_matrix(f, p, x_grid, h_grid, sigma_g, pdfn)
out <- pdgControl::value_iteration(M, x_grid, h_grid, 1, 0, profit, delta)
Building the transition probability matrix:
transition_matrix <- function(f, p, x_grid, h_grid, sigma_g,
pdfn=function(P, s) dlnorm(P, 0, s)){
n_x <- length(x_grid)
n_h <- length(h_grid)
SDP_matrix <- array(0, c(length(x_grid), length(x_grid),length(h_grid)))
for(h_i in 1:n_h){
h <- h_grid[h_i]
# Cycle over x values
for(i in 1:n_x){
## Calculate the expected transition
x1 <- x_grid[i]
x2_expected <- f(x1, h, p)
## If expected 0, go to 0 with probabilty 1
if( x2_expected == 0)
SDP_matrix[i,1,h_i] <- 1
else {
# relative probability of a transition to that state
ProportionalChance <- x_grid / x2_expected
Prob <- pdfn(ProportionalChance, sigma_g)
if(sum(Prob) > 0)
# Store normalized probabilities in row
SDP_matrix[i,,h_i] <- Prob/sum(Prob)
SDP_matrix[i,,h_i] <- c(1, numeric(n_x-1))
Building the reward matrix:
# [S, A] array
R <- t(sapply(x_grid, function(x)
sapply(h_grid, function(h)
Note that in \(f\) we must define the harvesting take place before the population recruits.
P <- transition_matrix(f, p, x_grid, h_grid, sigma_g, pdfn)
x0 <- (p[[1]]-1)/p[[2]]
i <- which.min(abs(x_grid-x0))
V0 <- rep(0, length(x_grid))
[1] ""
out <- mdp_value_iteration(P, R, discount = 1 / (1 + delta), epsilon=0.001, max_iter = 5e3, V0=V0)
[1] "MDP Toolbox: iterations stopped by maximum number of iteration condition"
policy <- out$policy
#out <- mdp_finite_horizon(P, R, discount=1 / (1 + delta), 10)
#policy <- out$policy[,1]
Whoops, this doesn’t look right:
plot(x_grid, h_grid[policy])