For today’s analyses run history (with result/code links): see tweeting_cpu account or its search history (from Topsy)
MCMC over parrotfish tree on protrusion doesn’t converge when alpha and sigma are both free to vary.

MLE approach, (size-corrected) protrusion (12hr run)
Vary both theta and sigma:

Vary alpha and theta:

alpha-theta wins over theta-sigma:

git ids/urls git codes must be obtained at start of run, together with commit, or link will point to the wrong code! Fixed.
Evolution Talk
Adding examples, finishing up slides for practice talk for Evolution.
Alan Meeting
Finished introduction to warning signals edits
Review roc curves for increased sampling
Wainwright lab meeting
Practice talks: Chris M, Matt, myself. Great feedback, now to rewrite talk.
ievobio: visualization tools, largely from last year’s challenge entries:
Power in Phylogenies manuscript