- plots for changing costs
- Report out to Training Problem II group.
ggplot note
defining functions that return a ggplot object can be tricky. If you compute some objects in the plot function (stats etc), those stats are not stored by the object (due to lazy evaluation, usually a very nice time-saving feature), so the plot cannot be produced unless the function returns those things to the global environment (or from wherever the plot will be printed/evaluated). Can return them to the global env with “<<-” assignment, but seems poor form.
power in phylogenies
- Hessian reply. manuscript reply.
- Select wrightscape examples.
- 1530089 series: bm vs a2 on parrotfish tree. looks like close & SH.y reject brownie, open almost does. kt almost does.
- 7a347b0 series: bm vs a1 on parrotfish tree: (missing lr line). More power, smaller diffs. Kt maybe? must rerun these!
- 4335204 bm vs a1 with the lines.
sig. open sig in reverse
cce5a5a/93a8630 series: labrid tree, intramandibular division, bm vs a1 (more power on larger tree, go for finer division between models?) only bodymass rejects. (cce5a5a missing lr line).
8382283 now running labrid bm vs a2.

- open & prot.y significant in reverse
- 6befae4 Check out open and kt on a2 vs bm when regime=two_shifts.

are significant. Close is significant reversed (funny pattern at a2 anyhow).
Make sure to run against standard ouch too!
Warning Signals
- Alan Manuscript
- Reading: re data sources (Dulvy et. al. 2003)
- (Le Quesne & Jennings, 2012)
- Example decisions under uncertainty of crash
- (Molloy, 2011)
- And on NC clause (Carroll, 2011), (Hagedorn et. al. 2011)
- Fiction: Non-commerical license means no one can make money from it. “I don’t want to give some entrepreneur a free lunch”
- Fact: NC means the journal (by holding the copyright) retains the right to sell your work to pharmaceuticals, teachers, researchers interested in text-mining, (rather than those groups having free use).
- Data reviews – F1000?
Graph gallery
[flickr-gallery mode=“search” tags=“phylogenetics, PDG_Control” min_upload_date=“2011-12-07 7:00:37” max_upload_date=“2011-12-08 12:23:37”]
Dulvy N, Sadovy Y and Reynolds J (2003). “Extinction Vulnerability in Marine Populations.” Fish And Fisheries, 4. ISSN 1467-2960, https://dx.doi.org/10.1046/j.1467-2979.2003.00105.x.
Le Quesne W and Jennings S (2012). “Predicting Species Vulnerability With Minimal Data to Support Rapid Risk Assessment of Fishing Impacts on Biodiversity.” Journal of Applied Ecology, 49. https://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2664.2011.02087.x.
Molloy J (2011). “The Open Knowledge Foundation: Open Data Means Better Science.” Plos Biology, 9. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001195.
Carroll M (2011). “Why Full Open Access Matters.” Plos Biology, 9. https://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pbio.1001210.
Hagedorn G, Mietchen D, Morris R, Agosti D, Penev L, Berendsohn W and Hobern D (2011). “Creative Commons Licenses And The Non-Commercial Condition: Implications For The re-Use of Biodiversity Information.” Zookeys, 150. ISSN 1313-2989, https://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.150.2189.