Open Notebook Science Abstract

In addition to my primary research categories, I make some entries in my lab notebook  to document and reflect on my experiment in open notebook science.  This includes my notes on tools I try out for open and collaborative science, including uses of social media, cloud computing, and scientific databases and repositories.

This serves as a cover-page for the open science entries in my notebook, displaying the most recent entries, articles, figures and code through rss feeds.

Recent Notebook Entries

[rssinpage rssfeed=‘’ rssformat=‘x: Y’ rssitems=“10” rssdateformat=‘j F Y’ rsstimezone=‘America/Los_Angeles’]

Entries from before 20-Oct-2010

Recently Added Articles

I maintain a collection of literature on articles that discuss the future of science, peer review, open access, open data, web tools and science 2.0 ideas on Mendeley called “Future of Science,” whose rss feed appears below.

[rssinpage rssfeed=‘’ rssformat=‘x: Y’ rssitems=“5” rssdateformat=‘j F Y’ rsstimezone=‘America/Los_Angeles’]

Recent Figures

[flickr-gallery mode=“tag” tags=“ons” tag_mode="all"]

Code Updates

I’m developing an R package called “socialR”, which I use to interact with my notebook, github code library, flickr image database and twitter  notification system from within R.  These are the updates from the commit log, see this entryfor details.

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