Demo of elliptical slice sampling
Relevant Parameters:
A <- 1 #amplitude of the sin function used for our signal
T <- 5 #period of the sin function used as our signal
sigma <- 10 #variance parameter in the covariance function
phi <- 100 #decay parameter for the exponential kernel
N <- 100 #number of time points
A function that creates a signal, which can be toggled for multiple shapes. In the present iteration we use a sin function with variable period.
signal <- function(t) {
Define our covariance matrix using the exponential kernel
S <- as.matrix(sigma*exp(-as.matrix(dist(seq(1,N)))^2/phi))
Generate a copy of the signal on the time scale of 1…N
t <- mvrnorm(n = 1, mu = rep(0,100), Sigma = S , tol = 1e-6)
s <- signal(seq(1,N)+t)+rnorm(N,sd=sqrt(.001))
log-lik functions
log_lik <- function(w,s){
return (dmvnorm(s, mean = signal(seq(1:N)+w),sigma=.001*diag(1,N),log=T))
#rcpp based log-lik function
log_lik_rcpp <- function(w,s){
return (rcpp_log_dmvnorm(S = .001*diag(1,N),mu=signal(seq(1:N)+w),s,istoep=TRUE))
X <- matrix(seq(1,N),nrow=N)
Sig <- sigma*exp(-rcpp_distance(X,dim(X)[1],dim(X)[2])^2/phi)
and here we go:
mcmc_samples <- ess(log_lik_rcpp,s,Sig,1000,250,100,TRUE)
[1] "Running elliptical slice sampling..."
plot(colMeans(mcmc_samples), type="l")
points(t, type="l", lwd=3, col="red")
points(colMeans(mcmc_samples) + 2* apply(mcmc_samples, 2, sd), type="l", lty="dashed")
points(colMeans(mcmc_samples) - 2* apply(mcmc_samples, 2, sd), type="l", lty="dashed")

test ess
with rcpp likelihood versus non rcpp likelihood
benchmark(ess(log_lik_rcpp,s,Sig,1000,250,100,FALSE), ess(log_lik,s,Sig,1000,250,100,TRUE),replications=2)
[1] "Running elliptical slice sampling..."
[1] "Running elliptical slice sampling..."
[1] "Running elliptical slice sampling..."
[1] "Running elliptical slice sampling..."
[1] "Running elliptical slice sampling..."
[1] "Running elliptical slice sampling..."
test replications
1 ess(log_lik_rcpp, s, Sig, 1000, 250, 100, FALSE) 2
2 ess(log_lik, s, Sig, 1000, 250, 100, TRUE) 2
elapsed relative user.self sys.self user.child sys.child
1 19.480 1.000 19.592 0.636 0 0
2 33.818 1.736 46.504 87.208 0 0