Exploring ways for using DiagrammeR
to generate graphs/plots that can be exported to svg and included in knitr documents.
n <- c("archive", "index", "share", "discover", "use", "attribute")
nodes <- create_nodes(nodes = c("Repository\n Roles", n, "Researcher\n Roles"),
shape = "circle",
color = c(rep("PowderBlue", 4), rep("Linen", 4)),
style = "filled")
edges <- create_edges(from = n,
to = c(n[-1], n[1]),
color = "gray", penwidth = 4)
graph <- create_graph(nodes = nodes, edges = edges,
graph_attrs = c("layout = circo"))
out <- render_graph(graph)
Render as SVG
basename <- "figure1"
out <- render_graph(graph, output = "SVG")
writeLines(out, paste0(basename, ".svg"))
Render as pdf, for inculsion in pdf/tex files.
## Not Run
system(paste0("inkscape --export-png ", basename, ".png",
# "-w ", width, " -h ", height,
" --export-dpi 300 ",
basename, ".svg"))
system(paste0("inkscape --export-pdf ", basename, ".pdf ", basename, ".svg"))
Embed in post? maybe? This could be more elegant:
f <- paste0(basename, ".svg")
target <- paste0(knitr::opts_chunk$get("fig.path"), f)
file.rename(f, target)