Working through 10.1111/j.1461-0248.2011.01702.x provides a nice way to play around with the GPDD data and Kalman filtering. More interested in exploring the data and methods than in just replicating the results, which are important but also rather intuitive and thus I expect rather robust – as we add (observational) uncertainty, or indeed, any additional parameters that must be ended, we should expect to have less power to pin down a particular parameter associated with density dependence, as the paper illustrates rather nicely.
Data preparation
627 time series with population indices obtained from the GPDD (NERC Centre for Population Biology 1999). Data sets were filtered out from the database by removing harvest and non-index based data, data sampled at non-annual intervals and time series taking less than 15 unique values.
Excluding time-series shorter than a minimum length is intuitive. Excluding harvest data makes some sense, as these aren’t scientific samples; in particular, they do not necessarily reflect a uniform sampling effort over time. Not quite clear why one would exclude non-annual intervals. Not really clear what “non-index based data” even means. Note that this 2012 paper still cites the original 1999 version instead of the 2010 version, which adds 123 datasets (for a total of 5,156).
Anyway, we can roughly infer what these filters mean in terms of the columns and values defined in the “MAIN” table of the GPDD, as described in the GPDD User Manual. dplyr
makes it quick to implement these filters in R:
gpdd_main %>%
filter(SamplingProtocol == "Count",
SourceDimension %in% c("Count", "Index"),
SamplingFrequency == "1",
DatasetLength >= 15) %>%
select(MainID) %>%
arrange(MainID) ->
Note that we might imagine different selection criteria, looking a bit more closely at the relevant fields.
Unfortunately these don’t quite align with the paper, even allowing for the 123 additional datasets. Most obviously, we have 1749 matches instead of 627. Not only have we somehow grabbed more datasets than expected, but the Knape et al list includes quite a few datasets that do not meet these criteria:
gpdd_main %>%
filter(MainID %in% knape_ids) %>%
select(MainID, SamplingProtocol, SourceDimension, SamplingFrequency, DatasetLength) %>%
arrange(MainID) %>%
as.tbl() -> knape_data
Count (estimated) Mean Count Index
5 8 15
Density Transformed Count Count
20 110 459
Count (millions) Harvest Unknown
1 1 1
Index of abundance Index of territories Count
2 6 616
Those summaries show data with attributes we excluded, including Harvest as a sampling protocol. We see over 100 such data sets:
gpdd_main %>%
filter(MainID %in% knape_ids) %>%
filter(SamplingProtocol == "Count",
SourceDimension %in% c("Count", "Index"),
SamplingFrequency == "1",
DatasetLength >= 15) %>% dim()
[1] 468 25
The reason for this discrepancy isn’t clear, but we can proceed with our filtered data instead.
Selecting the time-series identified by our filter, we also add a column for \(\log(N)\) population:
gpdd_data %>%
filter(MainID %in% filtered$MainID) %>%
select(MainID, Population, SampleYear) %>%
group_by(MainID) %>%
mutate(logN = log(Population)) ->
Interestingly there are no missing data reported:
[1] 0
df %>% filter(Population < 0) # -9999 is elsewhere used for missing data
Source: local data frame [0 x 4]
Groups: MainID
Variables not shown: MainID (int), Population (dbl), SampleYear
(int), logN (dbl)
but some population values are equal to 0, creating some -Inf
terms in our log data, which will create trouble in fitting the models. The authors don’t say how they handled this case. We will manually set them to the smallest value observed:
i <- which(df$logN == -Inf)
df$logN[i] <- min(df$logN[-i])-1
Gompertz model
We use the stochastic Gompertz population model to analyse the strength of density dependence in the data.The model is defined through
\[N_{t+1} = N_t \exp(a - b \log N_t + \epsilon_t)\]
where \(N_t\) is population density or size in year \(t\), \(a\) is an intercept, \(b\) is a measure of the strength of density dependence and \(\eta\) is normally distributed process error with mean zero and standard deviation \(\tau\). By log transforming the population abundance and putting \(x_t = \log N_t\) this simplifies to
\[x_{t+1} = a + c x_t + \epsilon_t\]
where \(c = 1 - b\) is the lag 1 autocorrelation of the log transformed population abundance when the process is stationary.
and uncertainty in measurements, \(y_t\) are simply normal random variates around \(x_t\):
\[y_t = x_t + \eta_t \]
where \(\eta_t \sim N(0,\sigma^2)\)
Kalman Filtering
Since the model is linear we can compute the likelihood directly by means of a Kalman filter. There are various ways of going about this, and the paper provides some general details:
The Kalman filter was initiated by assuming a wide prior distribution on the initial state centred around the first observation, \(x_1 \sim N( y_1, 10)\). For each model and data set the numerical maximisation (using the BFGS algorithm implemented in the optim function) was repeated for 50 random starting values to ensure that we found the global optimum
Some useful detail here, but still a bit vague for our purposes, or are things we might have done differently.
Doesn’t state which Kalman filter (their are a few algorithms and several packages, but the differences seem quite small: this JSS paper has a good overview.)
Not clear that we wouldn’t want to scale the prior variance by the data sample, e.g.
, but since we’re on a log scale10
is indeed pretty wide.BFGS
doesn’t seem as robust as some alternatives; (e.g. gives a rather different result than Nelder-Meade orStructTS()
model on the classic Nile data set example from the FKF package).Also challenging are the “50 random starting values”, which does not tell us from what distribution they were drawn. Too wide a distribution will start to include values for which the likelihood cannot be evaluated, while too narrow serves little purpose. –Moreover it is unclear if this is really preferable to simply using fewer starting points and a more robust algorithm. For simplicity, we’ll ignore this and just choose justifiable starting conditions.– we’ll add this as well.
Four variants of the model defined by (1) and (2) were fitted to each data set; a full model with both uncertainty about population abundance and density dependence denoted by SSG (state space Gompertz), a model with uncertainty about population abundance, but no density dependence (c fixed to one) denoted SSRW (state space random walk), a model with density dependence, but no uncertainty about population abundance (r2 fixed to zero) denoted G (Gompertz) and a model with neither uncertainty about population abundance nor density dependence (c fixed to one and r2 fixed to zero) denoted RW (random walk)
This is both clear and straight forward, we define each of the models as described. Note that we define the models here in the notation of FKF:
State transition equation:
\[\alpha_{t+1} = d_t + T_t \alpha_t + H_t \eta_t\]
\[y_t = c_t + Z_t \alpha_t + G_t \eta_t\]
Which has the following correspondence with to the Gompertz model given before:
\[\begin{align*} c &\to& T_t \\ a &\to& d_t \\ \sigma^2 &\to& G_t'G_t \\ \tau^2 &\to& H_t'H_t \end{align*}\]
So here we define these models in R code just as described above. Using the FKF
package we define each model by an optimization routine that returns the parameters that maximize the likelihood for the given model.
fit_ssg <- function(y,
init = c(dt = mean(y), Tt = 1,
HHt = log(var(y)/2), GGt = log(var(y)/2)),
o <- optim(init,
fn = function(par, ...)
-fkf(dt = matrix(par[1]),
Tt = matrix(par[2]),
HHt = matrix(exp(par[3])),
GGt = matrix(exp(par[4])),
a0 = y[1],
P0 = matrix(10),
ct = matrix(0),
Zt = matrix(1),
yt = rbind(y),
check.input = FALSE,
o$par[["HHt"]] <- exp(o$par[["HHt"]])
o$par[["GGt"]] <- exp(o$par[["GGt"]])
c(o, list(a0 = y[1], n = length(y)))
fit_ssrw <- function(y,
init = c(dt=mean(y), HHt = log(var(y)/2),
GGt = log(var(y)/2)),
o <- optim(init,
fn = function(par, ...)
-fkf(dt = matrix(par[1]), HHt = matrix(exp(par[2])),
GGt = matrix(exp(par[3])), ...)$logLik,
a0 = y[1], P0 = matrix(10), ct = matrix(0), Tt = matrix(1),
Zt = matrix(1), yt = rbind(y), check.input = FALSE, ...)
o$par[["HHt"]] <- exp(o$par[["HHt"]])
o$par[["GGt"]] <- exp(o$par[["GGt"]])
c(o, list(a0 = y[1], n = length(y)))
fit_g <- function(y, init = c(dt = mean(y), Tt=1, HHt = log(var(y))), ...){
o <- optim(init,
fn = function(par, ...)
-fkf(dt = matrix(par[1]), Tt = matrix(par[2]),
HHt = matrix(exp(par[3])), ...)$logLik,
a0 = y[1], P0 = matrix(10), ct = matrix(0), GGt = matrix(0),
Zt = matrix(1), yt = rbind(y), check.input = FALSE, ...)
o$par[["HHt"]] <- exp(o$par[["HHt"]])
c(o, list(a0 = y[1], n = length(y)))
fit_rw <- function(y, init = c(dt=mean(y), HHt = log(var(y))), ...){
o <- optim(init,
fn = function(par, ...)
-fkf(dt = matrix(par[1]),
HHt = matrix(exp(par[2])), ...)$logLik,
a0 = y[1], P0 = matrix(10), ct = matrix(0),
Tt = matrix(1), GGt = matrix(0), Zt = matrix(1),
yt = rbind(y), check.input = FALSE, ...)
o$par[["HHt"]] <- exp(o$par[["HHt"]])
c(o, list(a0 = y[1], n = length(y)))
Note that fkf
will return finite (even “optimal”) log likelihoods for negative values of HHt
and GGt
, so we have log-transformed these parameters. Using L-BFGS-B
with a 0
lower bound still causes optim
to error with non-finite log-likelihoods. It isn’t clear how the authors dealt with this constraint, though log
-transform trick has advantages and drawbacks.
Once we have defined the optimization routines to fit each model, we can define a summary function that runs each model on a given data set and collects the results into a data.frame
. This could be made a bit more general and elegant as discussed later. We will also define this function such that it will fit each model \(N = 50\) times and take the best fit, as the authors suggest for having a better chance of finding the global optimum. (We’ll look at the variation in MLE estimates in these models as footnote as well).
robust_fit <- function(model = c("ssg", "ssrw", "g", "rw"), y, N = 50, all = FALSE, ...){
## Set the model and the mean initial condition
m <- switch(model,
ssg = list(fit = fit_ssg,
init = c(dt = mean(y), Tt = 1,
HHt = log(var(y)/2), GGt = log(var(y)/2))),
ssrw = list(fit = fit_ssrw,
init = c(dt = mean(y), HHt = log(var(y)/2),
GGt = log(var(y)/2))),
g = list(fit = fit_g,
init = c(dt = mean(y), Tt = 1, HHt = log(var(y)/2))),
rw = list(fit = fit_rw,
init = c(dt = mean(y), HHt = log(var(y)/2))))
## Create the inital conditions
inits <- data.frame(sapply(m$init,
function(m) rnorm(N, m, sqrt(abs(m)) ) ))
## Attempt the requested fit or return NAs
f <- function(init){
o <- tryCatch(
m$fit(y, init = init),
error = function(e) list(par = c(dt = NA, Tt=NA, HHt = NA, GGt= NA),
value=NA, convergence=1, n=length(y), a0=y[1]))
data.frame(t(c(o$par, mloglik = o$value, converge =
as.numeric(o$convergence), n=o$n, a0=o$a0)))
## Apply the function to each initial condition,
inits %>% rowwise() %>% do(f(.)) -> output
if(!all) ## drop unconverged, and select only the best scoring run
output %>% filter(converge == 0) %>% slice(which.min(mloglik)) -> output
kalman <- function(df, ...){
y <- df$logN
ssg <- robust_fit("ssg", y, ...)
ssrw <- robust_fit("ssrw", y, ...)
g <- robust_fit("g", y, ...)
rw <- robust_fit("rw", y, ...)
rbind(data.frame(model ="ssg", gather(ssg, parameter, value)),
data.frame(model = "ssrw", gather(ssrw, parameter, value)),
data.frame(model = "g", gather(g, parameter, value)),
data.frame(model = "rw", gather(rw, parameter, value)))
Having defined a function that takes and returns a data.frame
, dplyr::do
gives us a consise syntax to apply this by group (recall df
is already group_by(MainID)
.) As the authors note, the robust fitting procedure is computationally intensive, though easily parallelized.
df %>% do(kalman(., method = "BFGS")) -> fits
user system elapsed
11652.039 278.562 11956.545
Unfortunately dplyr
does not as yet directly support parallelization (despite the documentation of dplyr::init_cluster()
describing parallel dplyr::do()
use, this feature is not actually implemented yet). Most parallelization packages for R wrap around apply
functions, and thus are not trivially adapted to the dplyr
grammar. If many cores are available it may still be faster to devolve the group_by()
into a list of data frames and then apply in parallel; e.g.:
# not run
options(mc.cores = detectCores())
## turn grouped data.frame to a list of data.frames by MainID
list_data <- mclapply(unique(df$MainID), function(id) filter_(df, .dots = ~MainID==id))
## Actually do the fitting in parallel
fits_list <- mclapply(list_data, kalman, method="BFGS")
## reshape outputs back to a data.frame
fits <- reshape2::melt(fits_list, id=names(fits_list[[1]])) %>% rename(MainID = L1) %>% as_data_frame()
We now have a nice table of parameter estimates and likelihoods by model for each data set:
Source: local data frame [45,727 x 4]
Groups: MainID
MainID model parameter value
1 3 ssg dt 3.466916e+00
2 3 ssg Tt -1.334051e-01
3 3 ssg HHt 6.394019e-02
4 3 ssg GGt 1.765346e-01
5 3 ssg mloglik 2.050357e+01
6 3 ssg converge 0.000000e+00
7 3 ssg n 2.700000e+01
8 3 ssg a0 2.484907e+00
9 3 ssrw dt 7.431723e-04
10 3 ssrw HHt 3.562612e-09
.. ... ... ... ...
and here is our version then of Figure 1b, comparing the estimate of the density-dependence coefficent with and without the uncertainty in observations:
fits %>%
filter(model %in% c("ssg", "g"), parameter == "Tt") %>%
select(model, value, MainID) %>%
spread(model, value) %>%
ggplot(aes(g, ssg)) +
geom_point(alpha = 0.2) +
geom_abline(intercept = 0, slope = 1) +
labs(title="c estimates")

Likewise we can compute a version of Figure 1a; which calculates the absolute value of the difference between the estimates of density-dependence with and without the uncertainty, and then plots how frequently we observe a difference larger than a given amount in the data. (The paper finds around 20% having a difference larger than 0.5)
fits %>%
filter(model %in% c("ssg", "g"), parameter == "Tt") %>%
select(model, value, MainID) %>%
spread(model, value) %>%
mutate(difference = abs(g-ssg)) %>%
select(difference) -> diffs
s <- seq(0,1,length=100)
difference <- sapply(s, function(s_i) mean(diffs$difference > s_i))
qplot(s, difference) + ylab("Difference bewteen estimates") + xlab("Proportion of data sets")

fits %>%
filter(model %in% c("ssg", "ssrw"), parameter == "GGt") %>%
select(model, value, MainID) %>%
spread(model, value) %>%
ggplot(aes(ssg, ssrw)) +
geom_point() +
geom_abline(intercept=0, slope=1) + labs(title="sigma^2 (obs error)")

Aside: further exploring numerical issues
Numerical optimization can be tricky, particularly in this unsupervised manner. The robust (multiple) fitting strategy goes some ways to addressing this; though ideally one would at least show that the resulting estimates change little if N is increased further.
df %>% filter(MainID==5) %>%
do(robust_fit("ssg", y=.$logN, all=TRUE)) %>%
select(dt, Tt, HHt, GGt, mloglik) %>%
tidyr::gather(parameter, value, -MainID) -> all
ggplot(all) + geom_histogram(aes(value)) + facet_wrap(~parameter, scales="free")

df %>%
filter(MainID==1998) %>%
do(robust_fit("ssg", y=.$logN, all=TRUE)) %>%
select(dt, Tt, HHt, GGt, mloglik) %>%
tidyr::gather(parameter, value, -MainID) -> all
ggplot(all) + geom_histogram(aes(value)) + facet_wrap(~parameter, scales="free")

Also compare also to the classic example used in most Kalman filter packages, the Nile river flows time series:
robust_fit("ssg", y=Nile, all=TRUE) %>%
select(dt, Tt, HHt, GGt, mloglik) %>%
tidyr::gather(parameter, value) -> all
ggplot(all) + geom_histogram(aes(value)) + facet_wrap(~parameter, scales="free")

Side note on coding strategy
makes the data filtering steps fast, consise, and clear. Dealing with model outputs here is actually far less straight forward than cleaning the raw data. For instance, I have collected the output of each model fit into it’s own row. The models have different numbers of parameters, so I must add the fixed parameters to avoid rows of different length; but clearly this does not generalize to the case where the different models can have arbitrarily different parameters.
David Robinson has done an excellent job in starting to tackle this thorny problem in a package called broom
with much the same elegance and care that Hadley has done with dplyr
. David argues very persuasively that it makes more sense to summarize parameter estimates from each model fit in two columns - a column for parameter names and a column for values. He has now added support for optim()
output to the broom::tidy()
function, which does just that.
This doesn’t translate immediately to my use case here, since I need to keep track of the likelihood and convergence which are not captured by broom::tidy()
. As these are scalar valued outputs of the model fit, instead of a vector like parameters, they are extracted and summarized in broom::glance()
as a single row. An easy generalization would just be to cbind
the outputs of glance()
and tidy()
; though David argues for a different approach in which we defer any manipulation of model output. Instead, he suggests an expand.grid
over the names of the groups (models and datasets):
# not run
expand.grid(model = names(models),
dataset = names(datasets)) %>%
group_by(model, dataset) %>%
do(o = optim_func(.$model, .$dataset)) -> david
Where optim_func
uses the name of the model and name of the dataset to apply optim()
, rather than passing the data explicitly. We can then use glance
and tidy
on the resulting output, though we would need to inner_join
the results instead of cbind
. This is indeed an elegant, more generic approach. Still, neither of us much like the need to defer the tidy step to the complex object at the end.
Here, I have ended up adopting the column-wise parameter, value, approach, though for a reason not just related to elegance. My robust_fit()
error-handling seems to end up very occassionally with some kind of race conditions1 that cause some of the sub-models to report an NA for one of their fixed parameters, instead of ommitting the parameter entirely. When adding the fixed value back in to keep rows of a uniform length, this meant I might get some rows with a duplicated column, such as a GGt
column with value NA
and another, appended column with the fixed value 0
in the g
or rw
models. The columnwise structure avoids this and prevents the code execution from failing.
I could only ever reproduce this by re-running large batch jobs – isolating the examples where error occurred and re-running had no effect, hence my worry about some race conditions between the error reporting. However, the stochastic initial conditions might also contribute to this, as I didn’t standardize seed over the parallelization; though in priciple any unusual initial conditions should only generate fit failures that are already handled in the error handling.↩