multiple uncertainty
- Set up Paul Fackler’s MDPSOLVE and run Paul’s code. Installing user-contributed extensions in matlab seems mostly a matter adding the unzipped source directories to the path, e.g. as so:
currentdir = cd
cd /home/cboettig/.matlab/MDPSOLVE
cd /home/cboettig/.matlab/plot2svg
(I still find matlab/octave’s syntax of not distinguishing character strings from variable names from function names kind of terrifying, but I guess that’s the price of working with economists.)
Code runs, with svg output using the user-contributed svg function plot2svg since Matlab doesn’t seem to include such basic functionality (though works fine on octave).
Morning mostly spent wrapping up proposal steps
Pandoc-latex formatting stuff (xelatex, Times New Roman 12pt, doublespacing, makefile configuration, latex-template configuration, margins, yaml header metadata).
Reworking introduction into seperate sections
feedback on further issues through issue tracker.
- Further evidence that anything can happen with regards to transitions in spatial dynamics: Gowda et al, Phys Rev E