Exploring implementation through tgp
package MCMC routine and background reading (manual, vignettes, thesis).
Example call:
gp <- bgp(X=X, XX=XX, Z=Z, meanfn="constant", bprior="b0", BTE=c(1000,6000,2), m0r1=TRUE, verb=4, corr="exp", trace=TRUE, s2.p=c(5,10), tau2.p=c(5,10), s2.lam="fixed", tau2.lam="fixed")
Verbose return:
n=39, d=1, nn=101
BTE=(1000,6000,2), R=1, linburn=0
RNG state RK using rk_seed
preds: data krige
mean function: constant
beta prior: b0 hierarchical
s2 prior fixed
tau2 prior fixed
corr prior: isotropic power
nug prior fixed
d prior fixed
The parameters in this run are constant across the trace points (because hyperparameters are fixed).
is the observed X values (or matrix of appropriate dimension)XX
the desired predicted grid. (will also predict on X)Z
is observed Y values (or matrix of appropriate dimension)m0r1
means scale data to mean zero and unit rangebprior
is the prior distribution, defaulting tobfalt
is a Gaussian. This prior is for the Gaussian process and is not to be confused with the hyperpriors describing the distribution of various parameters.BTE
Burn-in B steps, Terminate after T steps, sample Every E steps.verb
Very verbose output- Other options (for adaptive/query learning, etc, igored for now. Focus on priors).
The priors for the hyperparameters are given by
etc (both are Inverse Gammas). Their parameters can vary hiearchically in general, but we hold them fixed,s2.lam = 'fixed'
, etc.)s2
is \(\sigma^2\) in Gramacy and \(\tau\) in Rassmussen and Williams, is the scale of the noise. Comes from an inverse gamma prior. Set by inverse-gamma parametersa0
Also comes from an inverse gamma prior. It is also set by inverse-gamma parametersa0
\[Z | \beta, \sigma^2, K \sim N_n(\mathbf{F} \beta, \sigma^2 \mathbf{K}) \] \[ \beta | \sigma^2, \tau^2, \mathbf{W}, \beta_0 ~ N_m(\beta_0, \sigma^2 \tau^2 \mathbf{W} ) \] \[\beta_0 | N_m(\mathbf{\mu}, \mathbf{B})\]
We keep the heirachical priors fixed in the
, etc.nug
fixed by default. Note this results in the the priors from which these are sampled are fixed: e.g.gp$trace$hier$s2.a0
This is the “nugget,” the measurement error. Comes from a mixture of gamma prior parameter (initial values) for the nugget parameterc(a1,g1,a2,g2)
are scale (1/rate
) parameters. Default reduces to simple exponential prior. Specifyingnug.p = 0
fixes the nugget parameter to the “starting” value ingd[1]
, i.e., it is excluded from the MCMCindex
is the sampling point (fromBTE
, we see we sample starting at step 1000 and ending at step 6000, recording every 2 steps, so there are \((T-B)/E = 2500\) index points).lambda
possibly a mixing parameter in the importance sampler temperature??beta0
No mention in the manuald
The parameter for priors using the hierachical exponential distribution for the parametersa1
??Where are the hyperparameters for the correlation function (e.g. the length-scale for the Gaussian??)
pars <- melt(gp$trace$XX[[1]], id = "index")
ggplot(pars, aes(index, value)) + geom_line() + facet_wrap(~variable, scales="free_y")

It is possible to calculate summary statistics and check out the distribution of these fellows.
[1] 0.009755
ggplot(pars, aes(value)) + geom_histogram() + facet_wrap(~variable, scales="free")

Extracting the estimated process
(The MAP, maximum a posteriori expected mean and variance).
Extract the posterior Gaussian process mean and the \(\pm 2\) standard deviations over the predicted grid from the fit:
V <- gp$ZZ.ks2
dat <- data.frame(x = gp$XX[[1]],
y = gp$ZZ.km,
ymin = gp$ZZ.km - 1.96 * sqrt(gp$ZZ.ks2),
ymax = gp$ZZ.km + 1.96 * sqrt(gp$ZZ.ks2))
Plot the posterior Gaussian Process:
p1 <- ggplot(dat) +
geom_ribbon(aes(x=x,y=y, ymin=ymin, ymax=ymax), fill="grey80") + # Var
geom_line(aes(x=x,y=y), size=1) + #MEAN
geom_point(data=gp$obs,aes(x=x,y=y)) +
labs(title=paste("llik =", prettyNum(gp$llik)))
p1 <- p1 + geom_line(data = true, aes(x, y), col = "red", lty = 2)
p1 + theme_notebook

Find the actual optimum policy from the true parametric model
x_grid <- dat$x
h_grid <- x_grid
matrices_true <- f_transition_matrix(f, p, x_grid, h_grid)
opt_true <- find_dp_optim(matrices_true, x_grid, h_grid, 20, 0, profit, delta=.01)
Estimate a policy from the Gaussian Process:
rownorm <- function(M) t(apply(M, 1, function(x) x/sum(x)))
matrices_gp <- lapply(h_grid, function(h){
S <- dat$y - h
F_ <- t(sapply(1:length(S), function(i){
if(S[i]>0) {
out <- dlnorm(x_grid/S[i], 0, V[i])
} else {
out <- numeric(length(x_grid))
out[1] <- 1
F_ <- rownorm(F_)
opt_gp <- find_dp_optim(matrices_gp, x_grid, h_grid, 20, 0, profit, delta=.01)
and plot
policies <- melt(data.frame(stock=x_grid, GP = x_grid[opt_gp$D[,1]], Exact = x_grid[opt_true$D[,1]]), id="stock")
policy_plot <- ggplot(policies, aes(stock, stock - value, color=variable)) +
geom_point() + xlab("stock size") + ylab("escapement")
policy_plot + theme_notebook

We can see what happens when we attempt to manage a stock using this:
z_g <- function() rlnorm(1,0, sigma_g)
sim_gp <- ForwardSimulate(f, p, x_grid, h_grid, K, opt_gp$D, z_g, profit=profit)
sim_true <- ForwardSimulate(f, p, x_grid, h_grid, K, opt_true$D, z_g, profit=profit)
df <- data.frame(time = sim_gp$time, stock_gp = sim_gp$fishstock, stock_true = sim_true$fishstock, harvest_gp = sim_gp$harvest, havest_true = sim_true$harvest)
df <- melt(df, id="time")
simplot <- ggplot(df) + geom_line(aes(time,value, color=variable))
simplot + theme_notebook