pdg-control Conference Call

Call includes everyone except Frank & Claire.


  • Meeting 2: 13-15 March

  • Review code/files on wiggio.

  • Want a group review of material / webX tutorial?  Email Paul after the call.

Training Problem 1b: penalty to policy-change rate.

Group is: Paul, Jake, Dan, Carl T, Jim, Frank, …

  • Dan: L2 done.  Code coming (in Python, matlab coming).  L1 is hard.

  • Control variable becomes $ dh/dt \(, and \) h $ becomes a control variable.

  • an impulse-control maximum principle?

  • Jim suggests - similar to fishing-effort control?  Optimality conditions are singular?

Material: See Dan’s summary.

Training Problem 1a: Chattering/periodic control

Group is: Paul, Jim, Dan, Michael, …

  • Collected references: some general statements in texts about when to expect periodic optimal controls

  • Dan: Just look for periodic solutions to state / co-state equations.

  • Advanced problem: spatial control (see proposal), talk to Michael.  Direct data on live fishing effort across great barrier reef.

Can we get a description of this data set?  Do we have data on policy-elasticity (re 1b)? Material: still coming?

Training Problem 2

Group is: Alan, Carl B, Jake, Michael, Carl T, Marie-Josee, …

Carl Building up to the Stochastic Optimal Control Problem, then adding uncertainty / Bayesian learning. Literature on Uncertainty (Jake)

  • Uncertainty over growth function (bang-bang).

  • Uncertainty over stock assessment (pretty open).

Look at Michael’s SDP code and Reed Reed, 1979.

Material: see Carl’s summary and Jake’s lit review.

Training Problem 3

Group is: Megan, Claire, Marie-Josee, Frank, …

Megan, Claire.  Spawning time and investment as optimization.  Claire running simulations over space/time to generate the return-on-investment curve.  Can then determine if there’s a non-trivial optimization search to be done.

Material: still coming.

  • Optimal Escapement Levels in Stochastic And Deterministic Harvesting Models, William J Reed, (1979) Journal of Environmental Economics And Management, 6 10.1016/0095-0696(79)90014-7