
  • Fallacy paper done
  • Dissertation filing
  • Decision theory from the ROC curve.
  • Working group paper
  • Jim/Mike paper

  • wrightscape paper?

  • Signature page two copies, archival paper?

  • ropensci emails: Position paper: Goals
  • misc emails

Fallacy paper finalizing appendices

  • Commit images and runs from yesterday (ibm simulation still running…)

  • clean up appendix code
  • clean up appendix text

Code tricks for today

vim set sytnax language, useful for getting R highlighting in .Rmd files: setf r, or equivalently, set filetype=r (must be lowercase r). set filetype with no argument gives the current filetype.


  • cboettig pushed to master at cboettig/2012: Merge branch ‘master’ of fix figure links for 2012 09:44 2015/02/25
  • cboettig pushed to handle-json-errors at ropensci/fishbaseapi: check that JSON parses (explicitly if a bit crudely) 06:58 2015/02/25
  • cboettig created branch handle-json-errors at ropensci/fishbaseapi: 06:15 2015/02/25
  • cboettig commented on issue ropensci/fishbaseapi#42: nice. Do we also have a offset parameter then? I’m not quite clear how this works in the context of the table join (for the /taxa endpoint). It se… 05:48 2015/02/25
  • cboettig commented on issue ropensci/fishbaseapi#41: Scott, good point, though on the server MySQL is connected to the api container via a network (TCP ip) port, not a socket like you are using locall… 03:23 2015/02/25
  • cboettig pushed to master at cboettig/ Site updated from cron 08:02 2015/02/25
  • cboettig pushed to master at cboettig/regimeshifts: Merge branch ‘master’ of add coveralls 05:09 2015/02/25
  • cboettig pushed to master at cboettig/regimeshifts: Update 05:03 2015/02/25


  • An efficient method for stochastic simulation of biological populations in continuous time: BioSystems (2009). Pages: 37-42. George Edward Allen, Calvin Dytham et al. 12:37 2015/02/25
  • Theory of early warning signals of disease emergenceand leading indicators of elimination: Theoretical Ecology (2013). Pages: 333-357. Suzanne M. O’Regan, John M. Drake et al. 12:37 2015/02/25
  • Self-organization of vegetation in arid ecosystems.: The American naturalist (2002). Volume: 160, Issue: 4. Pages: 524-530. Max Rietkerk, Maarten C Boerlijst, Frank van Langevelde, Reinier Hillerislambers, Johan van de Koppel, Lalit Kumar, Herbert H T Prins, André M de Roos et al. 05:02 2015/02/13