Evolution Day 3


  • David Babst: Patterns of diversification on large species level supertree of extinct graptolites – Actually, more on methods for making such a supertree for extinct taxa than on diversification analysis, but excellent talk.

  • Gene Hunt: Using fossils to test the link between speciation and phenotypic evolution – another highlight of the talks, really looking at cladeogeneic vs anaogenic models of evolutionary change, modifying the approach of Folmer Bokma

  • Graham Slater: Roots, rates, and fossil states:  A Bayesian approach for integrating fossil character information in comparative analyses.

  • Lars Schmitz: The effect of diel activity pattern on eye shape in reef fishes

  • Sam Price: Reef habitats promote the evolution of morphological diversity in reef fishes

  • Liam Revell: Phylogenetic Methods for Studying the phenotypic axis of adaptive radiation

Lunch – I practice my talk

  • Mike Sanderson: Terraces in phylogenetic tree space

  • Matt Davis: Exploring the power and parameter estimation of BiSSE

  • Tracy Heath: Estimating lineage-specific substitution rates under a Dirchlet Process Prior

  • Marc Lajeunesse: When to expect phylogenetic bias in meta-analyses

  • Felipe Zapta: a non-tree based method for species delimitation: Inferring gaps across a phylogeny.

  • My talk.

  • Allen Rodrigo: Coalescent entaglement: spooky relations from a distance

  • Arlin Stoltzfus: The causes of evolutionary transversion/transition bias

  • Jeremy Brown: Phylogenetic inference of infectious disease sources – A simple idea based on parapatry, not guaranteed to be robust, but still, an incredibly insightful and well-presented talk.  See Jeremy’s recent PNAS paper (in tweets) for more background.

ASN address

  • Ricklefs on My life as a Naturalist

My Twitter coverage

cboettig Ricklefs predicts it will take 10 more years before we (finally) move beyond Hubble’s neutral theory #evol11, says all ideas run 20 yrs10:57 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Ricklefs cites history of Island biogeography as an example of how observation and natural history play in our understanding #evol1110:54 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig RT @NESCent come to the evolution filmfest TONIGHT & vote on your favorite films. 6:30 Boomer #evol11https://t.co/07wKZiL10:47 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Ricklefs in ASN adress asks “in the next-gen era, are we still naturalists?” Naturalist is broadly one who looks for sci exploration #evol11 10:44 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Jeremy Brown solves real criminal cases with for causing infection using phylogeny, read the paperhttps://bit.ly/iQ4sjC #evol11 9:56 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Why more transitions than transversions? Selection? Mutation? Arlin Stoltzuf #evol11 shows more synon. transversions, so may be mutational9:38 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Allen Rodrigo, director of @NESCent, show “spooky relations” in coalescents. Conditional probabilities can be soo counterintuitive #evol11 9:25 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig #evol11 Christine Parent applies Leibold et al’shttps://bit.ly/lTz0y3 to disentangle enviro, phylogeny, and biogeography4:55 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Revell “also no trivial to average the posterior sample rates on the phylogeny. Fortunately I have a (R) function for that too.” #evol114:42 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Revell’s software now available as an R package #evol11 https://bit.ly/mDPeNT Includes Bayesian version of Brownie w/ unknown change pts(!)4:34 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Liam Revell describes his progress on his development blog https://phytools.blogspot… #evol114:32 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Sam Price explores “do fishes living on reefs evolve faster?” Yes. #evol114:23 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Lars combines paleontology and phylogenetic methods to infer which dinosaurs were nocturnal #evol11(see https://bit.ly/fxAHl2 for details)4:09 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Graham observes: so you probably don’t need fossils if your data evolved under brownian motion (which it didn’t) #evol113:03 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Graham Slater explores how to add fossil data, when it changes phylogenetic comparative inferences – and when it doesn’t #evol112:48 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Gene Hunt: evaluates punct. equib: long stasis well documented, but fewer studies of major changes at speciation events #evol112:04 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig David Babst- a supertree phylogeny of fossil plaktic graptolites: “floating beehives” #evol11 Alt method to randomly resolving polytomes1:53 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

cboettig Julie, aka @sabercatwoman discusses evolution of pleistocene coyotes who had to compete with dire wolves and sabertoothes #evol111:37 PM Jun 20th from TweetDeck

ASNAmNat Archiving code came up in the Meet the Eds @ #evol11 Dryad is asking for feedback on thishttps://t.co/z047MII8:10 AM Jun 20th from web

Talk mentions

  • K_H_F_H ** @ ** rmvq**** ****@********c****b****o****e****t****t****i****g******** ****C****a****r****l****,**** ****t****h****i****s**** ****w****a****s**** ****j****u****s****t**** ****a****s**** ****g****o****o****d**** ****a****s ********y****o****u****r**** ****t****a****l****k**** ****a****t**** ****B****o****d****e****g****a**** ****B****a****y****,**** ****a****l****t****h****o****u****g****h**** ****I**** ****m****i****s****s****e****d**** ****t****h****e**** ****“****d****r****u****n****k****e****n********w****a****l****k****”**** ****d****e****m****o****n****s****t****r****a****t****i****o****n****9:20 PM Jun 20th from web

k8lh ****@********c****b****o****e****t****t****i****g******** ****P****u****t****t****i****n****g**** ****y****o****u****r**** ****s****l****i****d****e****s**** ****u****p**** ****o****n****l****i****n****e****,**** ****w****i****t****h**** ****c****o****d****e********a****v****a****i****l****a****b****l****e**** ****w****i****t****h**** ****a**** ****t****h****r****u****-****c****l****i****c****k****,**** ****i****s**** ****p****h****e****n****o****m****e****n****a****l****!**** ****@********K********H********F****_****H******** ****w****i****l****l********d****e****f**** ****b****e**** ****c****h****e****c****k****i****n****g**** ****l****a****t****e****r****!**** ****#********e****v****o****l****1****1****9:14 PM Jun 20th from web

rmvq ****W****o****w****,**** ****@********c****b****o****e****t****t****i****g******** ****t****o****o****k**** ****t****h****e**** ****“****g****o****o****d**** ****s****c****i****e****n****c****e**** ****i****s**** ****l****i****k****e ********s****t****o****r****y****t****e****l****l****i****n****g****”**** ****t****o**** ****t****h****e**** ****l****e****t****t****e****r****!**** ****G****r****8**** ****t****a****l****k**** ****o****n**** ****u****n****i****f****y****i****n****g**** ****m****o****d****e****l****s**** ****o****f**** ****t****r****a****i****t ********e****v****o****l****u****t****i****o****n**** ****#********e****v****o****l****1****1****9:07 PM Jun 20th from Twitter for iPad

k8lh ****H****e****y**** ****@********c****b****o****e****t****t****i****g******** ****!**** ****M****y**** ****d****a****t****a****‘****s**** ****t****o****t****a****l****l****y**** ****a**** ****h****o****b****b****i****t****.**** ****I****t****’****s**** ****e****v****e****n********h****a****i****r****y****.****9:06 PM Jun 20th from web

kzelnio ****@********c****b****o****e****t****t****i****g******** ****;****)**** ****R****T**** ****@********k****8****l****h********:**** ****I**** ****l****o****v****e**** ****B****o****e****t****t****i****g****e****r****’****s**** ****t****r****e****e**** ****o****f ********e****v****o****l****u****t****i****o****n****a****r****y**** ****m****o****d****e****l****s****!**** ****#********e****v****o****l****1****1****9:03 PM Jun 20th from