more sub-model comparisons
wrightscape sub-models:
a1 independent alphas, global theta, sigmas
bm “brownie” (alpha = 0, indep sigmas)
a2 independent alpha, theta, global sigma
s1 indep sigma, global alpha, theta
s2 indep sigma, theta, global alpha
Basic Nelder Mead
Simulated annealing
associated parameter estimates
This approach is really not finding a very robust solution.
Plotting with stats_summary()
Using stats_summary instead of melt and cast computations and line and ribbon geometries for adding statistical layers to plots. For instance, from plots.R in SDP code:
ggplot(data = subset(dat, variable == "unharvested"),
aes(time, value, group = L1)) + geom_line(alpha=.2) +
# shows the mean +/i mult * sd , requires Hmisc
stat_summary( = mean_sdl, geom="smooth", mapping=aes(group = 1), mult=1)
Note that this needs thee aesthetic mapping (group=1) to know what to do. I’m not clear exactly why.
Note also that “mult” is an additional option, and is passed to the function, mean_sdl, specifying the multiplier in front of the standard deviation.
The documentation of possible function definitions in stat_summary aren’t entirely clear. This can take fun.y to apply the function across y values, for instance, to calculate just the mean:
ggplot(data = subset(dat, variable == "unharvested"),
aes(time, value, group = L1)) + geom_line(alpha=.2) +
stat_summary(fun.y = mean, geom="line", mapping=aes(group = 1))
Note that we’ve also changed the geometry to line, since we’re not returning ymin/ymax information.
We could add separate functions for the lower and upper bounds, fun.ymin and fun.ymax instead. Again we’d need a geometry that knew what to do with these – for instance, “smooth” or “errorbar”.
There’s quite a collection of convenient functions whose wrappers are provided through the package Hmisc, such as the mean_sdl choice shown here, which are illustrated well in the stat_summary examples.
Wordpress memory management
tcp-memory-usage plugin
Increased available memory in wp-config.php (instructions).
Wow, my saga continues for RStudio server running on Debian Lenny…