Optimal Control Exploration

Translating Jim’s Matlab code.

Adapted for Octave.

R version.

Document review:

  1. Chapter 04_Sanchirico_Final.pdf

  2. SanchiricoOptimalSpace_JEEM.pdf (Sanchirico & Wilen, 2005)

  3. Optimal_Rebuilding_AJAE2010.pdf, Optimal_Rebuilding_Supp_Material.pdf (Sanchirico et. al. 2010)

  4. Sanchirico_editsembedded.pdf: Book Chapter 1:  Economically Optimal Management of a Metapopulation

Reviewing Bett’s Practical Methods for Optimal Control using Nonlinear Programming. (( Practical Methods for Optimal Control and Estimation Using Nonlinear Programming, Second Edition (Advances in Design and Control) John T. Betts (2009) Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics p. 448))


Newton’s Method:

  • in solving roots (constraint), Jacobian. (secant methods)

  •  in solving (unconstrained) optimization, Hessian

Equality-constrained Optimization:

Lagrangian multipliers -> optimization.  Hessian of Lagrangian, gives KTT system:

\[ \begin{pmatrix} H_L & G^T \\ G & 0 \end{pmatrix} = \pmatrix{ - p \\ \bar \lambda}   = \pmatrix{ g\\ c } \]

Newton’s.  Estimating Jacobian/Hessian by Quasi-Newton (Secant) approach.  e.g. BFGS update.

Inequality-Constrained Optimization:

define Active set \(\mathcal A\) of constraints.  if \(c_i(x) \geq 0\) then active when \(\lambda_i^* \geq 0\), e.g. active for \(i \in \mathcal{A}\). If in the active set, can treat as equality, otherwise constraint is removed from Lagrangian.

Quadratic Programming:

If we have

  • quadratic objective \(F(x) = g^T x + \frac{1}{2} x^T H x\), \(H\) positive-definite.  (\(H = 0\) becomes a LP problem).

  • linear constraints \(Ax = a, Bx \geq b\)

An active set algorithm:

  1. Newton-minimize the active set Lagrangian (as equalities).

  2. Take the largest step in direction \(p\) that doesn’t violate the inactive set. (step size \(\alpha  < 1\) in \(\bar x = x + \alpha p\)

  3. If the step is restricted by inactive set, add to active set and repeat.

Globalization strategies

  1. Merit function (just use F? use quadratic penalty?) decides if method is “working”

  2. Line-search method: what to do when step doesn’t improve merit function.

  3. Trust-region methods

  4. Filters

Nonlinear Programming

minimize objective \(F(x)\) subject to \(m\) constraints \(c_L \leq c(x) \leq c_U\) and the simple bounds \(x_L \leq x \leq x_U\) .

  • Make quadratic from Taylor approximation to Lagrangian and solve this.

  • Introduce merit function

What can go wrong

  • Infeasible constraints

  • Rank-deficient constraints

  • Constraint redundancy (confuses the active set definition)

  • Discontinuities


Scale variables appropriately, same range, magnitude, etc.  Typically automated in a good algorithm.

Large, Sparse, NLP

(This is a direct approach.  Indirect methods reformulate as a boundary value problem by the Hamiltonian and solve that instead (via shooting, etc).

Finite-Horizon Optimal Control Problems

On to collocation solutions to boundary value problems.  Switching to:

Judd, K. L. (1998). Numerical Methods in Economics. The MIT Press. Retrieved from https://www.amazon.com/Numerical-Methods-Economics-Kenneth-Judd/dp/0262100711

\[\max_u \int_O^T e^{\rho t} \pi(x,u,t) dt + W(x(T)) \]

s.t. \(\dot x = f(x,u,t)\)

\(x(0) = x_0\)

Where we have:

  • \(n\) state variables \(x \in R^n\),

  • \(m\) controls \(u \in R^m\),

  • a discount rate \(\rho\),

  • a rate of payoff \(\pi(x,u,t) : R^n \times R^m \times R \to R\), (a.k.a. the utility function)

  • \(W(x(T))\), a value of the terminal state, (or otherwise this is 0, and we have terminal condition \(x(T) = x^T\)

  • and \(f\) the law of motion (biology).

We can define the current-value Hamiltonian:

\[ H(x, u, \lambda, t) = \pi(x,u,t) + \lambda^T f(x,u,t) \]

where \(\lambda \in R^n\) are shadow prices for \(x\), subject to the costate equations:

\[ \dot \lambda = \rho \lambda - (\partial_x \pi + \lambda^T \partial_x f ) \]

(e.g. the costate equation is $ = -_x H $.  Why? Proof?)

and then the maximum principle implies that we get the optimal control (time-dependent values for parameters) by:

\[ u(t) \in \arg \max_u H(x,u, \lambda, t) \]

If \(H\) is \(C^2\) and concave in \(u\), there’s a unique solution \(U(x,\lambda,t)\), given by first-order condition

\(0 = \partial_u H(x, U(x,\lambda,t), \lambda, t)\)

which satisfies the costate equation, the law of motion, and the boundary value problem.


  • Sanchirico J and Wilen J (2005). “Optimal Spatial Management of Renewable Resources: Matching Policy Scope to Ecosystem Scale.” Journal of Environmental Economics And Management, 50. ISSN 00950696, https://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jeem.2004.11.001.

  • Sanchirico J, Wilen J and Coleman C (2010). “Optimal Rebuilding of A Metapopulation.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 92. ISSN 0002-9092, https://dx.doi.org/10.1093/ajae/aaq045.