pdg-control pdg-control, Tuesday

Tuesday, August 13 8:00 Coffee & Breakfast at NIMBioS 8:45 Outline for Day 2 (Donahue/Armsworth)

Adaptive Control, Jake

Introduced by he two-armed bandit problem, Rothchild i = 1,2. $ T_i $ is the number of trials, $ N_i $ are numbers of successes.

Define \[ \rho_i = \frac{1}{1+T_i}, \mu_i = \frac{N_i}{1+T_i} \]

If i is played $ p_i $ becomes

\[ \frac{p_i}{1+p_i} = \frac{1}{T+2} \]

If i is played and successful $ _i $ becomes

\[ s(\mu_i) = \frac{\mu_i + p_i}{p_i+1} = \frac{N_i + 1 }{T_i + 2}\]

whereas failure is

\[ s(\mu_i) = \frac{\mu_i}{p_i+1} = \frac{N_i + 1 }{T_i + 2}\]

\[ \lim_{T_i \to \infty} \frac{N_i}{T_i+1} = \tau_i \], the true probability.

Depends on prior information and luck. Costly to pull on uncertain machine.

Consider fisheries example where \[ x = F(x) - h \] \[ F(x) = x^{\alpha} \epsilon |_{\epsilon ~ N(0, \sigma^2} \]

\[ \ln F(x) = \alpha ln(x) + ln(\epsilon) =: y \] $ $ must be estimated.


\[ \hat \alpha = \frac{\ln x' \ln F(x)}{\ln X' \ln x} \]

Bayesian: \[ P(\alpha) N( \alpha_0, \sigma_{\alpha^2}) \]

\[ f(\alpha | y ) \sim \exp\left( \tfrac{1}{2} (y-\alpha \ln(x) )' (y- \alpha \ln(x) \right) \exp \left( -\frac{1}{2} \frac{(\alpha - \alpha_0)^2}{\sigma_{\alpha}^2}\right) \]

Myopic igonre additional variation in harvest to identify $ $. More variation means better estimated $ $

Michael raises two issues: applying this information elsewhere. If environment is changing, learning current condition is less valuable. (can’t I learn the change rate?)

Adaptive management experiment in corals.

9:00 pdg-control: Approaches from Engineering & Discussion (Carl Toews)

An adaptive talk on techniques.

How do we quantify the volatility of a control law? (function space choice) How do we measure the distance between models? Between controls? Change an objective function to yield a better control law (regularization in inverse problems)

Modeling, Inverse Problems

\[ M : X \to Y \] Forward: predicting observations from parameters. Inverse: parameters from observation. Existence, uniqueness, stability. \[ M = \pmatrix{ 1 & 0 \\ 0 & \epsilon } \] Not unique if $ = 0 $

So: Cost functional: $ J(x) := ||M(x) = y_0|| $ Regularization: $  J(x) := ||M(x) = y_0|| + ||x ||  $ Optimize: $  x_0 = _{xX} J(x)  $

Regularization means solving a suboptimal model. Fudge factor. Trade-off due to inverting an unstable operator vs error due to the objective function.

Singular value decomposition regularization example:

Linear regime Kalman filter exact solution. (e.g. uncertainty in stock size, based on harvest).

True state evolves according to: $ x_{k+1} = g(x_k, v_k) $ But the observation is some function of that: $ y_{k} = h(x_k, n_k) $

Paul: Nonlinearity can be ignored by engineers, because they can intervene frequently. If you’re doing management, forced to do policy control, you cannot intervene frequently enough to be linear. (e.g., $g(x_k, v_k $ is nonlinear.

Alan, Frank: quite easy for $ h(x_k, n_k) $ to be nonlinear as well, such as x being the density and y being only the moments.



Model predictive control:

  1. Read control, disturbance, output variable

  2. Estimate state (e.g. Kalman Filter)

  3. Remove ill condition (regularization)

  4. Local steady-sate optimization (Linear or quadratic program)

  5. Dynamic optimization (Dynamic programming)

  6. outputs control variable

Training Problem II problem formulation

How does decreasing uncertainty improve outcomes?  Expected value of perfect information?

Model uncertainty vs parameter uncertainty.

  1. Adaptive management approach to coral-algae location of phase shift. vs Passive adaptive management/MPC.

  2. Nonlinearity in observation error

H inverse.  dockside landings don’t include discard/bycatch.  age & space from total biomass.

  1. Optimal sampling rates and intervention rate (rel to system timescale).  Compared to 3 yr rule on stock assessment.

Jim’s staged approach: Overall optimal.  Conditional on fishermen sampling. compare difference.

  1. Spatial signal of declines: most efficient fishing.

Dual control  = active adaptive management.

10:00 Break into Training Problem Groups TASK: Formalize Question. What is the biological problem? What is the control problem? Is there expertise you are missing? What resources do you need? 11:30 Report back to full group

12:00 Lunch at NIMBioS

Training problem III summary

Claire reviews dispersal problem in larva on Caribbean reefs.

Discussion of focal questions:

  • Unique aspects of life history problems

  • Metamorphosis timing, energy (optimal stopping time)

  • spawning trends and synchrony.  Synchronous settlement.

Work backwards from advanced problem.

Extreme value vs. mean

1:00 Training Problem Groups (shuffle expertise as needed) TASK: Model formulation & What do you need for Wednesday? 3:15 Break 3:30 NIMBioS Seminar by Alan Hastings 6:00 Dinner at the Armsworth’s