Final read through of manuscript from me and Peter.
Looking at confidence intervals in fitContinuous? Package used to use the hessian from optim, but it was later removed due to errors. I added this back manually and attempt a few estimates. Given the Hessian (likelihood surface curvature) this is approximated by
See conf_interval_ex.R. i.e for Geospiza tree is:
[1] SE sigma: +/ 0.6763731 SE lambda: +/- 1.0338531 [2] boot lambda: (9.9e-08, 1) [3] boot beta: (0.0072 0.0591)
More crazy on large tree: the bootstrap estimates are nice and narrow, while the Hessian estimate for lambda is ridiculous:
SE sigma: +/- 0.05773465 SE lambda: +/- 73.05777456
boot lambda: (0.452340436725362, 0.694239348471331)
boot beta: (0.143594988736606, 0.214849236562022)
- added revolution-r packages to zero, parallelizes fitContinuous on my machine, but interestingly crashes it on zero when run on the large tree. Hmm…
database packages
Scott’s updates to dryad. Scott’s comment’s on workflow added to wiki. Need to check over and test.
Fixes from Emmanuel to in the ape package, testing in TreeBASE package. Basic examples that return the alignments now implemented. A few issues remain: need to track the metadata (but can’t tag this onto the list), and lots of character matrices don’t meet’s requirements.
Discussion with Dave on his work. Let a stochastic model parameter (binomial probability) evolve or not evolve on a tree. Partition the uncertainty. Considering some rather strange/arbitrary models.
Code tricks
Copy-paste in screen mode, very useful on remote machine:
Ctrl+a [
starts copy mode. Navigate with vi-keys (arrows, etc), Hit spacebar to begin copy selection, spacebar again to end. Paste with
Ctrl+a ]
<span style="font-family: constantia, 'hoefler text', 'palatino linotype', serif; font-size: 16px; line-height: 24px; white-space: normal;">Note that git can of course always pull directly from the server, rather than pushing through github. i.e. </span>
git remote add zero
git pull zero master
Perhaps worth configuring to share access to individual manuscript files.