Working on a few updates to the TreeBASE package. This flushes out the basic functionality provided by the phylo-ws API now. Needs a bit more testing of the possible queries and some bells and whistles options. Meanwhile, going to start looking at the metadata side with the OAI-PMH API. With this I should be able to grab metadata associated with a tree or the tree associated with the metadata. Should also be able to extend the queries over to other databases such as Dryad.
Looking into what might currently exist: apTreeshape (Bortolussi et. al. 2005) had a dbtrees function which has since been removed. Scott Chamberlain has is also exploring this a bit, sounds like a good person to talk to.
Fixed many of the XML parsing errors and warnings by moving to RCurl for queries:
tt = getURLContent(query, followlocation = TRUE) #instead of con = url(query) tt = readLines(con, warn = FALSE) close(con)
This adds RCurl as a dependency. (Following Duncan’s suggestion to keep from polluting the namespace, I’ve moved dependencies into imports instead).
implemented the remaining use cases, needs testing of these other query types still. A few extra tests have been added to the demos.
Automatically matches section, rather than specifying as a third argument.
Implemented handling for boolean logic, not clear that the API handles these cases correctly? Seems to do OR, but treats AND and NOT as if it was also OR.
Joined Should probably post about this work and ask about this boolean trouble.
Made output a multiPhylo object.
Should add faculties to return only trees with branch lengths, etc. DONE 2011-05-11
Should figure out how to pull metadata from returned matches. Possibly grab the TB id number, and then use a separate query to pull that up. DONE 2011-05-11
Consider maximum number of returns on a query. DONE 2011-05-11
Hm: Given a id like TB2-S2377 number (study id), why do these both return unrelated trees, and what is a id.tree?
studies <- search_treebase(“2377”, by=“”) tree <- search_treebase(“2377”, by=“id.tree”)
Treebase wiki entry for the phylo-ws api
leveraging predicates? What’s this section of the wiki really about?
Metadata and OAI-PMH
- Needs to get study id from the phylows query and then look up the metadata. See treebase wiki. (Pretty sparse, maybe I should add something). DONE 2011-05-11
Example queries:
- Bortolussi N, Durand E, Blum M and Francois O (2005). “Aptreeshape: Statistical Analysis of Phylogenetic Tree Shape.” Bioinformatics, 22. ISSN 1367-4803,