Today’s log
Edited cover letter summary for public.
Soliciting feedback on examples in manuscript vs appendix, see Monday’s entry. (Entry posted, images added to flickr database)
Jeff fixed the double-post bug in twitteR, tested update.
Improved initialization estimates for LSN model in fit_models (code), as identified & discussed in Sunday’s entry. Needs testing on a unit case, trying on ibm_analysis.R now… seems to work fine.
Running this ibm_analysison a small dataset at 2000 replicates (zero, nice 19).
Model choice sets (i.e. see in stream) finally finished – but some trouble in corresponding data records to the figures??
Reworking model section of appendix, consider Levins-style model in place of traditional logistic as the transcritical bifurcation.
Flushed out appendix discussion of Cox’s delta.
Adding data descriptions to appendix.
Updates to appendix examples: Skew (pull out kurtosis, never really proposed/applied).
Model generality comments
To Do
Text: adjust to reflect a single Figure. Adjust captions. adjust to reflect Algae example.
Specify which Glaciation example, specify data treatments Specify which Algae example
Examples: Remove kurtosis examples. Add IBM examples with sufficient and insufficient power.
R package and examples cleanup
Update parameter estimates without convergence failure runs.
Review remaining comments