Bodega evolution Tutorial: behind the scenes difficulties in R packages

Just finished my tutorial for comparative methods on continuous traits in R, which I’ll be presenting on Wednesday with Justen Whittall.  The tutorial is up on the Bodega Phylogenetics Wiki, together with the necessary data files.

Errors that shouldn’t happen: a few package bugs in simulation functions

Assembling the tutorial exposed a few more frustrations in the R packages.  Consider simulating OU with rTraitCont:

## Load the libraries, simulate a tree
tree <-,1,1,0)[[1]]
## This is OK
>  x <- rTraitCont(tree, model="OU", sigma=1, alpha=.3, theta=0, root.value=0)
> mean(x)
[1] 0.3305515
## This is still OK
 x <- rTraitCont(tree, model="OU", sigma=1, alpha=3, theta=0, root.value=0)
> mean(x)
[1] 0.01494487
x <- rTraitCont(tree, model="OU", sigma=1, alpha=10, theta=0, root.value=0)
[1] -24.13565

What’s happening? rTraitCont numerically integrates: [latex syntax=“display”] x(t_2) = x(t_1) - (t_2-t_1)( x(t_1) - ) + (t_2-t_1) Where t’s are the times at each node and [latex syntax=“inline”]~ N(0,1) [/latex]

The exact equation would be: [latex syntax=“display”] x(t_2) = x(t_1) e{-t}+(1-e{-t}) + ( 1 -e^{-2t} ) . [/latex]

The approximation is fine as long as $ (t_2-t_1) $ is small, which is why we get into trouble with large alpha. While this isn’t implemented, we can meanwhile turn sim.char into a OU simulation by rescaling the tree,

> x <- sim.char(ouTree(tr,alpha=10), matrix(1), root=0)[,1,1]

though it doesn’t let us allow the root and the optimum (theta) to differ.

Another stumbling block I hit came from the way geiger does birth-death simulations:

tr <- birthdeath.tree(b=1, d=0, taxa.stop=100)
x <- sim.char(tr, matrix(1))[,1,1]
fitContinuous(tr, x)

  Fitting  BM model:
  Error in solve.default(phyvcv) : 
    system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 1.53896e-18

Which doesn’t happen using the birth-death simulated tree instead. The reason is that birthdeath.tree simulation creates a final pair of branches with zero length, while method does not:

> which(tr$edge.length==0)
[1] 163 164
> which(tree$edge.length==0)

Errors that should happen: simulations are not always what you would expect

One theme I draw out in the tutorial is that expectations – averages – aren’t everything. Felsenstein’s example is expected to create an artificial correlation between two traits – it’s not guaranteed: I start the students simulating data on this tree and testing for that correlation, though a substantial fraction won’t find it.

Can likelihood inform the data transform?

> x <- exp(sim.char(tree, matrix(1))[,1,1])
> bm <- fitContinuous(tree, x)
Fitting  BM model:
> bm_log <- fitContinuous(tree, log(x))
Fitting  BM model:
> bm_log[[1]]$aic
[1] 269.2097
> bm[[1]]$aic
[1] 2137.334

Yup. Why do we continue to look at whether there’s a significant correlation between branch length and contrast? Does not seem a substantial test of model adequacy. We also don’t tend to think of transforms as models.