

Working on proposal. Discussion of section 2: other players in the domain (or rather, the many community interfaces with rOpenSci).



Add FAO areas (from 04/05), see rfishbase/20


  • Discussion of unit handling, feedback from Karen. EML/12

  • Need to update creation of filenames for csv files following Matt’s advice: EML/106

  • No luck with XMLSchema::readSchema parsing the measurement unit schema definitions in STMML

> XMLSchema::readSchema("../stmml.xsd")
Error in FUN(X[[1L]], ...) :
  formal argument "localElements" matched by multiple actual arguments


  • teary: discuss interviews. send copy of materials for archive.
  • review request EcoLet
  • follow-up emails from Wisconsin visit. Follow-up reading:


  • Here’s the RDCEP robust control paper

  • Here are two papers on the value of experimentation, 1, 2. Key references are the two papers by V. Wieland cited there. Steve and Buz discussed one of these in “Panceas” paper

  • Here’s a link to the BDW Brookings paper which has an interesting discussion by Sargent and Sims

  • This one proposes an approach to reporting to policy makers that respects uncertainties

  • Here is one we did for the World Bank to deal with uncertainties in growth policy

  • Since optimal control and even robust control can lead to controls that are complicated functions of the state vector, there’s a literature in applications to central banking that stresses “simple rules”, here’s a recent example from our shop that has lots of references,

  • Finally, on EWS’s, there’s a general multivariate mathematical approach to variance-convariance matrix approaches to EWS’s in the Mathematical Appendix to this paper by Biggs et al.