Thursday: reviewing edits, ropensci, computers.

Graham & Peter meeting

Going over review and figuring out how to address issues.  Plan: Will write our line-by-line responses under the reviewer comments in the Google Doc.  Peter and I will implement remaining changes on the .tex file, then we’ll compose the reply letter from the notes under the comments and include the latex-diff.

Brief topic notes from today’s meeting:

  • set up different take on layout: lambda, AIC, power

  • parameter estimates on over-parameterized

  • opten implicit nulls

  • eb bootstrapping is power analysis

  • rules of thumb only so good, simulate easy.

  • delta = aic + k

  • intro on aic use for finding “good enough models” not inferring process

  • we do stepwise B&K approach (as our recommended approach)

FishBASE interface

Tomomi had an interesting query re FishBASE today - she’d like to be able to sweep through the database and extract certain information such as genus, maximum published weight, etc.  While there doesn’t seem to be a documented API per se. theindividual reference pages include a link to an XML summary sheet, where at least some of this information is intelligently tagged.  So we can easily set up some R functions with the help of XML and xpath to start grabbing the relevant information.

MPI Computing

Looks like a hardware failure may have been responsible for my crashed MPI job on farm cluster.  Waiting to hear more from admin.  Likewise waiting on NERSC help on the batch R process on compute nodes.  step by step….